Finding yourself drowning in medical debt can be harmful to your health. Without help paying medical bills, you might find that your financial situation can quickly deteriorate to the point that you cannot dig out of the mess on your own.
One option that might be helpful is to hire a medical billing advocate . While legitimate charges will normally stick, many bills contain billing errors that are rarely in your favor. These specialists are trained to identify unnecessary upcharges and petition the billers to reduce or remove them. Of course, they also charge a fee, so that may reduce some of the savings.
There are also free sources of aid. To get help, consider searching for a
local organization
that can help. Some may be ready to help with treatment. Others can help you manage your
medical bills as well as many of the other bills that you are having trouble paying. These may be community counseling agencies,
If you have been the victim of circumstances beyond your control, you may find that some churches and charities may help you with a benefit drive. This could involve a fundraiser such as a raffle or dinner event that raises some funds for your benefit. If you are ever the beneficiary of such a kind gesture, make sure that you are very forthcoming with your appreciation to all involved. Make sure that they get feedback on how their funds were used and what an impact it had on the situation.
Assistance does not always come in the form of direct cash towards your medical costs, but there may be other aspects of your finances that are eligible for a check (utility payments, rent, etc.). Don’t be surprised if a check is written directly to the company for payment rather than to you. This ensures that money appropriated for a certain purpose is used correctly.
By getting debt help before your situation worsens, you might have more and better options available. Debt situations usually get worse with time. Many people end up filing for bankruptcy because they did not get help when they first got into financial trouble. Even minor debt can become a problem when medical bills are suddenly thrown into the picture.
For this reason, it is highly recommended that you obtain health insurance. Healthcare is expensive. It is even more expensive if you are uninsured. Knowing this, you may wish to consider getting a quote for individual health insurance.
If you believe you cannot afford health coverage, then you might qualify for free or reduced cost care through community health clinics. This can reduce the cost of periodic healthcare as well as for chronic illnesses that you cannot afford to treat. Such treatment is often free or available on a sliding scale depending on your household income.